AI meme
video generator

Use our video meme editor to turn raw footage into funny clips.

A cursor highlighting the “Add Text” editing option over a video frame with an engaging caption.A cursor highlighting the “Add Text” editing option over a video frame with an engaging caption.

your own meme

Customize your memes

Add funny text, sound effects, and voiceovers to your posts.

Use templates

Choose from premade text styles that fit your meme.

Post on any social platform

Share your meme with all your followers — upload to YouTube, Instagram, and TikTok.

Cursor selecting 'Add images' button over a person looking at their phone

How to make memes
in three steps

 A video file being dragged over an “Upload” field.


Click “Upload a video” to import footage to Captions.

A cursor highlighting the add text button.


Add text, sound effects, and transitions to your meme.

A download successful message.


Download and share your post on your social channels.

Frequently asked questions


Can you use memes in YouTube videos?

Yes — you can use memes to promote your YouTube videos, engage viewers, and participate in viral trends. For example, if you’re editing a cooking video, use our video meme creator to splice clips about funny cooking fails into your content.

What makes a good meme?

The best memes are funny, recognizable, and trendy. Research social media content in your niche to get ideas and tailor the meme to your brand.

How can Captions help me stand out from other meme creators?

Our video meme generator offers video editing tools like automatic captioning, customizable font styles, and AI script editing. With these features, you can come up with creative meme ideas for your YouTube channel

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