Create AI lyric videos you’re proud to share for any genre and platform.
Create AI lyric videos you’re proud to share for any genre and platform.

Add lyrics with the click of a button
No need to manually do the work. Let AI generate lyric captions in an instant.
Make your song stand out
Emphasize important words, lines, or phrases in your song with customizable visual effects.
Get studio quality sound
With AI Denoise, you can remove background noise and clean up your audio for crisp and clear sound.

Import your music video into Captions.
Instantly generate captions with AI.
Review, download, and share your video.

Add lyrics now
Frequently asked questions
Why should I make a lyric video for my new song?
Using Captions’ lyric video creator is a great way to show audiences your original music and encourage viewer interaction. Sharing videos helps your musical creations reach listeners and viewers on multiple platforms.
How can I add music to my video?
Upload your audio file or choose from royalty-free music options in Captions AI Creator. Adjust, cut, merge, and split clips as needed. You can also remove distracting background audio with our Denoise tool.
Can I translate my lyrics?
Our lyric video generator uses the Captions AI tool to translate subtitles. First, add captions or subtitles to your video in its original language. Then, automatically apply a translation in another language.

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